Pimlico Academy

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Academy Life


“All staff at Pimlico Academy are committed to providing outstanding safeguarding.

All staff receive annual safeguarding training and a library of literary guidance is available for staff to read.

All students are in a Tutor Group and their Tutor oversees daily pastoral care during their Tutor Time period.

All students also have a Head of Year and Pastoral Leader who oversees their development and progress throughout their 7 years of study.

Pimlico Academy works in partnership with the Metropolitan Police: you will often see our Safety Schools Officer around school, at the end of the day or in the community.”

Vice Principal (Pastoral)

Nicholas Taylor-Mullings


Pimlico Academy Library is a calm, welcoming space for all of the Academy’s students to develop a love of reading. Students are welcome to take up to two books out at a time, but the library is also available to sit in and read, do home learning or other study in, use the computers, or just to relax somewhere quiet.

At Pimlico Academy, we believe that a love of reading is central to all aspects of education. Evidence has overwhelmingly shown that students who read for pleasure are significantly more likely to succeed at school and later in life.

However, reading for pleasure has other, equally important benefits. 

Our library has a vast range of texts on offer: young-adult fiction, classic novels, poetry, drama, graphic novels, manga, and non-fiction books on science, maths, art, technology and history.

By having access to this wide variety of books, students have the opportunity to explore the wide variety of human experience and achievement. By exploring, through reading, other people’s lives and experiences, our students can discover more about themselves and the world around them. Reading does improve grades, but it can also help us to become better, more knowledgeable, more empathetic, and more deeply-feeling people; a value that cannot have a price put or grade put on it.

Inclusion (SEND)

At our academy, we believe in creating inclusive environments that aim to meet the needs of all students.

We want to ensure that our Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) provision offers appropriate support for those facing barriers to their learning.

We provide support within all four broad areas of SEND: 

  • cognition and learning
  • communication and interaction
  • sensory and physical
  • social, emotional and mental health

Our school SENDCO leads on the provision for students with SEND, and Anna-Maria O'Toole oversees provision for students with SEND across Future Academies, to ensure that it is of the highest standards.

Contact our SENDCO

