Pimlico Academy

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“Pimlico Academy is a school characterised by high academic standards, robust pastoral care and a co-curricular programme that is second-to-none. Students here benefit from teaching by subject specialists who are superbly well-qualified to teach and inspire their students to love learning as much as they do. Students are known for the individuals they are and are supported here by a range of people in the pastoral team, including their tutors, Heads of Year and Pastoral Support Leaders.

One of the defining features of a Pimlico Academy education is the breadth of opportunities we offer our students through our co-curricular programme and, with scores of clubs and societies on offer to them, there are numerous ways for students to develop their resilience and confidence, their ability to work independently and as part of a team.

All in all, we aim to deliver the transformative education every one of our students deserve – an education that will lead to success while they are with us and long after they have left us.

This site gives you an insight into the amazing things that happen at Pimlico Academy every day. However, there is no substitute for visiting us in person, and we welcome visits from prospective students and parents.”


Paddy Cassidy

Open events for prospective students and families

If you would like to register or book a place at one of our open events please click this link.

  • Year 6 open morning: Tuesday 17 October 2023, 09:00-10:30. Last admission at 09:15 (Booking essential) 
  • Sixth form open evening: Tuesday 10 October 2023, 16:30-19:00. Last admission at 18:30.



Sixth form

Sixth form application for September 2024 are now open:

Click here to start your application

Sixth form prospectus

Sixth form prospectus 

Course booklet

Course booklet



In-Year Admissions and Appeals

For in-year admissions and appeals please see our admissions arrangements policies.