Pimlico Academy

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“The Pimlico curriculum is carefully planned and sequenced to allow all children to develop the powerful knowledge that will give them the freedom to take on the next challenge of their educational journey. Our teachers are experts who understand how to make sure a child not only learns more, but also remembers more in every subject. Every teacher is a subject expert keen to pass on their enthusiasm to all students.

Many of our subjects include key stage 3 curriculum programmes that are planned by the trust’s Curriculum Centre. These schemes of work, typically supported by our own textbooks, are integral to our approach to prioritise you child’s learning during the important transition years: from year 6 to secondary school and from year 9 to GCSE study.  

Our curriculum is responsive to the needs of our students and we have recently launched a new subject at key stage 3, Personal and Social Education, that draws together aspects of Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE), Religious Education and Citizenship to provide our students with the learning opportunity to engage in ever wider discussions about their identity, and their place in society.”

Vice Principal (Academic)

Daisy Mitchell-Rose 



Curriculum maps


Academy life