Pimlico Academy

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News and Events

Open Events 2023

We would love to see you at one of our Open Events for admission in September 2024. Full details are on our admissions page.

 If you would like to register or book a place at one of our open events please click this link. 

Year 6 open evening:

Thursday 5 October 2023, 16:00-19:00. Last admission at 18:30 (no need to book) 

Year 6 open morning:

Tuesday 10 October 2023, 09:00-10:30. Last admission at 09:15 (Booking essential)

Year 6 open morning:

Tuesday 17 October 2023, 09:00-10:30. Last admission at 09:15 (Booking essential)

Sixth form open evening: 

Tuesday 10 October 2023, 16:30-19:00. Last admission at 18:30.

GCSE Results Day: Thursday, 24th August

The Academy will be open for you to collect your GCSE results in person on Thursday, 24th August, between 09:00 – 11:00. We will be asking students to arrive at staggered times by tutor group; this is to allow all students to receive the support or guidance they may need when finalising decisions about the next stage in their education.


Tutor group

Arrival time

11.1 and 11.2

09:00 – 09:30

11.3 and 11.4

09:30 – 10:00

11.5 and 11.6

10:00 – 10:30

11.7 and 11.8

10:30 – 11:00


If you are unable to collect your results in person and would like to send someone else in your place, you must inform the Exams Officer by completing the online form that can be accessed here https://forms.office.com/e/vwgzNjSfjJ before Tuesday, 15th August.

Please note the following:

  • Anyone you nominate to collect your results will also need to bring photo ID with them
  • Any emailed results will be sent out after 12:00pm on the day
  • No results will be given out over the phone
  • If you have any issues with accessing this form, please email our Exams Officer via Enquiries@pimlico.futureacademies.org 

Enrolment to Pimlico Academy Sixth Form will take place on Results Day. If you are unable to attend in person on Results Day and would like to attend our sixth form please email Anita Mann, A.Mann@pimlico.futureacademies.org.

Exam results issued on the results day are not the final exam certificates. Results are provisional until certificates are issued.  The final exam certificates will be printed by the awarding examination boards at a later date and will be handed over to the students on the Certification Collection Day in December 2023. Please check future communications and/or the Pimlico Academy’s website for further information about collection dates. 

A-Level Results Day: Thursday, 17th August

The Academy will be open for you to collect your A-Level results in person on Thursday, 17th August, between 08:00am – 11:00am

Members of the Sixth Form team will be in on results day to support students with their UCAS offers and potentially with clearing or adjustment. Nevertheless, it is important that students have researched their options in advance.

If you are unable to collect your results in person and would like to send someone else in your place, you must inform the Exams Officer by completing the online form that can be accessed here https://forms.office.com/e/vwgzNjSfjJ before Tuesday, 15th August.

Please note the following:

  • Anyone you nominate to collect your results will also need to bring photo ID with them
  • Any emailed results will be sent out after 12:00pm on the day
  • No results will be given out over the phone
  • If you have any issues with accessing this form, please email our Exams Officer via Enquiries@pimlico.futureacademies.org

Enrolment to Pimlico Academy Sixth Form will take place on Results Day. If you are unable to attend in person on Results Day and would like to attend our sixth form please email Anita Mann, A.Mann@pimlico.futureacademies.org

Exam results issued on the results day are not the final exam certificates. Results are provisional until certificates are issued.  The final exam certificates will be printed by the awarding examination boards at a later date and will be handed over to the students on the Certification Collection Day in December 2023. Please check future communications and/or the Pimlico Academy’s website for further information about collection dates.

Eid Mubarak

Eid Mubarak - Warmest wishes to everyone celebrating today 

Pimlico Idol Winners

Well done to all students who performed last night the in the annual Pimlico Idol competition. Congratulation to the winning duo.  

Please enter some content for your news story here.

Hampton Court, History Trip

Today Pimlico A-level history students visited Hampton Court.

Congratulations to Yasmin

Congratulations to past Pimlico student Yasmin.  Since leaving Pimlico she has gone to study  and compete for Boise State in the USA, becoming the first British Athlete to compete in the NCAA. Her success in America has led her to represent Team GB in the recent European Cross Country Championships in Spar.

Children's Mental Health week

Pimlico Academy students  in Year 10 took part in filming for Place2be.

Place2be have created a series of resources to support Children’s Mental Health week which starts on Monday 6th February. 



Please click below to read the full article. 

Childrens Mental Health Week